Integral Leadership Index (ILI)

The Integral Leadership Index (ILI) is an online tool for diagnosing the quality of leadership in individuals and organisations. It is connected with the Integral Leadership Model, based on our interdisciplinary research and founded on the Leadership Triangle.

The ILI considers all three vertices of the Leadership Triangle:

  • 1. The Stage: the university; group, team.
    The question: What interpersonal and group dynamic is there?
    Leadership is diagnosed from the perspective of relationships and group dynamic.
    Key categories: sociology of leadership; flow, creative interchange, polarity management.

  • 2. The Purpose: values and relational goods.
    The question: What is it all for?
    Leadership is diagnosed from the perspective of clarity of purpose and values, and of the awareness of the common good.
    Key categories: leadership philosophy; values, North Star, common good.

  • 3. The Leader.
    Question: Who am I?
    Leadership is diagnosed from the perspective of the leader’s self-awareness.
    Key categories: psychology of leadership; Positive Intelligence, IFS, presence without anxiety.