Integral Leadership Development Program (ILDP)

Our 8-day Integral Leadership Development Program is much more than just training based on a management toolkit. It is:

  • a professional development program dedicated to leadership competences as well as a framework for reflection on the integral dimension of leadership: the values, attitudes and personality of the leader

  • an experience of a diverse and intellectually open academia as well as a friendly meeting in the atmosphere of trust
  • a time of intensive learning, based on intellectual insight and honest feedback, as well as an opportunity to build relationships and to participate in creative interchange

We intend the ILDP to be a life-transforming learning experience.


The ILDP aims to renew the mission of the Polish academia by:

  • equipping Participants with inspiring knowledge about academic leadership, based on our integral leadership model
  • providing a framework for reflection and development of self-awareness
  • building networks of cooperation and mutual support based on the dynamics of creative interchange

Meet our teaching team

Our teachers combine decades of innovative research with extensive leadership practice in some of the most inspiring and challenging academic and business environments.

Piotr Czekierda

Business and public leader. Manager. Entrepreneur. Coach and mentor. Co-founder and board member of the Two Wings Institute.

Piotr Czekierda is an alumnus of the University of Wrocław, IESE Business School, the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Leadership Academy for Poland (in cooperation with Harvard University). He co-founded Collegium Wratislaviense and serves as its President.

Czekierda sat on the Board of Curators of the Ossoliński National Institute and on the Participation Council of the Mayor of Wrocław. He supported technology start-ups in the KGHM Group and acted as a mentor in the international network MIT EF Poland. He was nominated in the 2015 edition of Gazeta Wrocławska Polska The Times Effective Manager Award.

The book Tutoring. Theory, practice, case studies (Warsaw 2015), co-authored by Czekierda, is the first comprehensive publication on tutoring in Poland. Another important publication to which he contributed is the textbook Solidarity Step by Step (Warsaw 2015).

Barry Johnson

Creator of the Polarity Thinking® method. Consultant and advisor to business, government and education.

Barry Johnson is the co-founder and president of Polarity Partnerships LLC and creator of the Polarity Map®. He has been working for several decades with people and organisations around the world, developing and applying the Polarity Thinking® methodology. Its core principle is the transition from or-thinking to and-thinking for the common good, so that polarities (dilemmas, chronic tensions, paradoxes) can become a source of energy, rather than burnout, for individuals and organisations alike.

Johnson’s most recent publications, And: Volume One – Foundations and And: Volume Two – Applications, develop the insights from his first book, Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems, published in 1992.

Michał Łuczewski

Academic and public leader. Leadership scholar. Lecturer and author. Cultural manager. Co-founder and board member of the Two Wings Institute.

Michał Łuczewski is a sociologist (PhD) and psychologist (MA; personality development specialization). He lectures at the University of Warsaw and collaborates with a number of prestigious academic institutions and research centres around the world, including Columbia University (Fulbright Fellow), the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna (Józef Tischner Fellow) and Christ Church, Oxford University (Associate Fellow since 2021).

Łuczewski acted as Programme Director of the Centre for Thought of John Paul II and was a member of the National Development Council (2015 – 2020) and currently sits on the board of the Polska Wielki Projekt Foundation. He is a cultural manager and author of documentary films.

Łuczewski’s book Odwieczny naród. Polak i katolik w Żmiącej (Toruń 2012) received the Stanisław Ossowski Prize for the best sociological book and the Fr. Józef Tischner Prize for the best Polish book in the humanities. His other key publications include Wartość krajobrazu (Warsaw 2011), Solidarity Step by Step (Warsaw 2015), Kapitał moralny. Polityki historyczne w późnej nowoczesności (Krakow 2017).

Michael D. Kennedy

Academic and public leader. Leadership scholar. Sociologist and international relations and public affairs scholar. Academic and educational consultant and advisor.

Michael Kennedy is professor of sociology and international and public affairs at Brown University. Throughout his career, Kennedy has addressed East European social movements and systemic change. For the last 20 years, he also has worked in the sociology of public knowledge, global transformations, and cultural politics, with particular focus on social movements and universities. In the fall of 2022 he serves as Interim Director of the Brown University Contemplative Studies concentration.

Kennedy was the University of Michigan’s first vice provost for international affairs in addition to being director of an institute and five centers and programs at UM; he also served as the Howard R. Swearer Director of Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies. He served in a number of national and international educational boards and committees, including the Executive Committee, as chair, and the Board of Directors at the Social Science Research Council, the International Academic Advisors’ Board of Singapore Management University’s School of Social Sciences, the Governing Board of European Humanities University, and the Open Society Foundations, as chair and co-chair of two education programs.

Within sociology, he was the chair of the Global and Transnational Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association in 2019 – 2020.
Kennedy’s numerous publications include Globalizing Knowledge. Intellectuals, Universities, and Publics in Transformation (Stanford 2014).

Participant profile

We created the ILDP for individuals who are actively shaping the intellectual space of universities and setting the tone of academia in Poland.

The program is dedicated to academics with managerial and directorial experience, especially rectors, pro-rectors, deans, pro-deans, as well as heads of departments and teams.


“I had really distanced myself from academia. I became alienated from it. At one point I didn’t even know why I was in it anymore. But if university is going to look like it does here, and the people in it are like you, then I want to be a part of it”

“University has a culture of repressing all human faculties other than reason. Making leaders aware of the importance of being fully present and self-aware was a breakthrough for all participants [of the ALDP]”

“The training responds to the real needs of university employees. It offers a development perspective and tools to improve one’s performance”

“[ALDP offers] fresh insights into being an academic leader and new methods to facilitate management”

“Important issues concerning the identity of university and its role. They are not always remembered, especially in the context of activities conditioned by successive reforms and changes. Raising awareness of the importance of university’s mission”

“It was very valuable to meet in a community of academics and to exchange perspectives and experiences. Great atmosphere of openness and honesty”